Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Invention and Abdication

Hey everybody in blogging world (also apparently known as the "Internet"); it's been a while,

After a long hiatus thanks to my continuing education, I thought I might try to start contributing again. Don't get too upset though - I am still in school, so we'll see how long this lasts. Anyway, after over a year's worth of procrastinating (a new record?), I made Dan an Administrator. There will be a brief ceremony with cocktails to follow. With no smooth transition at all, here is my post:

When I was a young undergrad student at Our Lady's University, I once invented the wristwatch. Honestly. I was sitting in class, half asleep I think, and could not see the clock. (It was philosophy, and I wanted to count down 'til the class's end). So, I started thinking: wouldn't it be great if we all carried little clocks with us? Then, we wouldn't need to have clocks all over the place; we would just check our little clocks whenever we wanted to know the time! We could - I don't know - where them on our wrists or - oh.... Yeah, that's when it hit me. The wristwatch had already been invented ( So, Antonio Meucci I am not.

This past week, I had a similar experience. One thing you should know about me: I like books. A lot. So, I was thinking: wouldn't it be great if all the world's libraries were available online? Why should I have to either a.) find Huckleberry Finn at a building that may be far from my house or b.) (and even worse!) buy it? Well, it looks like I have been trumped again:

That's right. Google and other organizations have already started to put books online! And you can access them for free! Only old books, the copyrights of which have expired but I like where this is going.

Your thoughts?
Any "Meucci" moments in your experiences?


Dan said...

Hey welcome back to the blog! Do you wear a wristwatch? Have a pocketwatch?

Anonymous said...

Neither. I'm still bitter about not inventing it.